Keep in mind that this story focuses on only one aspect of the entire retirement reform language....
Proposed Tricare Changes for FY2017
The Pentagon’s FY2017 budget request once again proposes higher enrollment fees and copayments for...
Part of the budget struggle is the battle over how much a Guardsman costs versus the cost of an...
Sequestration, a by-product of the Budget Control Act of 2011, is still law and doesn’t look like...
November 4th is Election Day
November 4th is Election Day in America. The DC pundits and handicappers predict the balance of...
Because I was Guard……
While many of us have joined the Guard after these things were corrected, back in the day... I was...
VA Unable to Implement New Educational Benefits Required by Law
From The Retired Enlisted Association: When Congress passed the Veterans, Access, Choice and...
New DoD Rules Mean Less Money on TDY
Revisions made to Pentagon travel rules went into effect this month and the result is often less...
EANGUS Legislative Director – Scott Bousum
EANGUS has an interim Legislative Director, Scott Bousum. Before joining the EANGUS team, Scott...
Hostage’s Warning
Air Force Magazine Hostage's Warning October 2014 By John A. Tirpak Mike Hostage laid out the Air...