“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem that doesn’t end the chances of life...
TRICARE Pharmacy Copays Change February 1, 2016
From: http://www.tricare.mil/CoveredServices/BenefitUpdates/Archives/12_30_15_PharmacyCopays...
Second Airman from New York National Guard died in Afghanistan attack
Staff Sgt. Louis Bonacasa, 31, died when a suicide bomber attacked their patrol in a village...
NGB Chief’s Holiday Message to Force
Gen. Frank J. Grass, the chief of the National Guard Bureau, released the following holiday...
2016 Roll Call Wrap-Up Talking Points
ROLL CALL WRAP-UP TALKING POINTS Every month, EANGUS creates a Roll Call Wrap-Up that lists...
TRICARE Reserve Select
TRICARE Reserve Select is: A premium-based plan Available worldwide For qualified Selected Reserve...
2016 National Defense Act Contains Education and GI Bill Changes
The 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was signed into law by President Obama on...
Senate Passes Bill to Protect Servicemembers from Foreclosure
House of Representatives Now Has to Act The Senate voted unanimously to pass legislation to help...
2016 BAH Rates Announced
From the Defense Travel Management Office: The Department of Defense has released the 2016 Basic...
Guardsmen Victims of Attack in Afghanistan
A New York Air National Guard member was one of six American service members killed Monday in a...