From The Retired Enlisted Association

Aug 4, 2014 | Legislative, National, Retirement, State

Now is the Time to Go to Town Hall Meetings

Congress is on its summer break through Labor Day.  Newspapers are reporting it as a vacation. But for most of the Representatives and Senators it is not.  This is the time that the 2014 Congressional campaigns are heating up.  Most Members of the House of Representatives will be in their home districts campaigning and campaigning hard.  So will a third of the Senators.  And even if they are in safe districts or States most of them are running scared.  They will be holding Town Hall meetings and scheduling meetings with their constituents. After Labor Day the general public will start paying more attention to the election.  So it is believed that August is a time when constituents’ concerns can really shape the themes of the upcoming campaigns they really are in the frame of mind to listen.  So, please, go to your representatives Town Hall Meetings or make an appointment and tell them what your concerns are.

NOW IS THE TIME.  Whether your concern is protecting the retirement system and TRICARE, the VA, Commissaries and Exchanges, ending the remainder of the concurrent receipt offsets, ending the SBP/DIC offset or hundreds of other worthy causes now are the TIME TO BE HEARD.

If you would like us to help you prepare talking points on your issue please call TREA’s Washington Office at 1-800-554-8732.