Our Mission.
The mission of the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Kentucky is to promote and maintain adequate national security, to promote and advance the status, welfare and professionalism of the enlisted members of the National Guard of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, not to be a profit-making organization, not to participate in a political campaign in behalf of, or in opposition to, a candidate for political office, to participate in patriotic activities, to offer entertainment and recreation for members, and to offer an annual scholarship to deserving members, spouses and children of members living and deceased.

Interested in becoming a Corporate Sponsor?
Select the link to the right for more information about becoming a Corporate Sponsor for EANGKY!
Our services.
KY Minuteman Relief Fund
All Partnerships with affiliated Associations
Employment Assistance
Veteran Apprenticeship Program
Matchawards-Economic Development
Firearms Legal Protection
Legal defense for members who use a firearm in self-defense or the defense of others.
National Guard Relief Fund
NGRF has several assistance programs to assist Soldiers facing financial issues. S.A.R.G.E. Grant / Interest-Free Loans / Financial Education
Kentucky Military Relief Fund
Mission: We take the Guardsmen and women who fall between the cracks of other assistance programs and make them our priority.
Our Partners
Together with our partners we offer more to you!
Call for Resolution
All EANGKY Members are invited to submit resolutions for consideration during the annual EANGKY Conference. State and National resolutions are addressed by the Legislative Committee with the involvement of any member. It is your right as a member to voice your concern of any issues with benefits of National Guardsmen of Kentucky and across the nation. We will advocate for our members! For more information about current resolutions visit www.eangus.org.

Have more questions?
We are happy to help you.
Letter from the President
Fellow Enlisted and Non-Commissioned Officers,
I am both honored and humbled to be serving as your new EANGKY president, and I am excited about the prospects for the future of our organization. There is strong support from our senior military leadership in Frankfort and Louisville for professional associations and for good reason. They know the important role that professional military associations play in acquiring the equipment our Soldiers and Airmen need to fight, the pay and benefits they and their families deserve, as well as the support and recognition that our veterans and retirees have earned. On top of that, they understand the professional development that an organization like EANGKY can foster and the camaraderie that it cultivates.
The primary reason that I would encourage anyone to join our association is simple – if you want a voice – be it in the statehouse in Frankfort or in the Capitol in Washington DC – that champions the fight for quality of life issues for National Guard Soldiers and Airmen, this is your organization. The Enlisted Association of the National Guard and the National Guard Association (for officers) are the only two organizations that fight exclusively for the Kentucky National Guard through legislative channels. Without the success of our efforts, the National Guard would not be where it is today regarding equipment and benefits. Make no mistake about it, our primary reason for existing is legislation for all things National Guard.
That said, one of the greatest benefits of belonging to EANGKY is your professional development. Interacting with others who have similar ideals and values while exchanging ideas with them broadens your perspective. It lets your superiors know that you are serious about your profession and in becoming a stronger leader, as well as gaining valuable mentorship and lessons learned from those who have been in your shoes.
As we move through this next year, my focus will be on three things:
– Legislation – we are working on a number of goals already, which you can check out on our website. But we need to hear from you about what you and your unit – or you and your family need.
-Membership – we are currently at about three percent of the strength of the enlisted forces in the Kentucky Army and Air National Guard. We should be at 60-65%, so I need you to step up, join and become an active participant. The more members, the stronger our voice.
– Development of the Junior Enlisted Committee – This committee, chaired by SPC Danielle Sturgill, is a new addition to our organization and one that I believe will add great value. Its goal is to provide junior enlisted a voice outside the chain of command.
In closing, I’ll be blunt – we simply cannot do this without you. Take the time to get involved – you will not regret it.
John D. Gipe
CSM, USA (ret)

Contact your Elected Representative
U.S. Senators
Click anywhere in this box to contact your Senator.
The composition and powers of the Senate are established by Article One of the United States Constitution. The Senate is composed of senators, each of whom represents a single state in its entirety. Each state has two senators who serve six staggering terms.
U.S. House of Representatives
Click anywhere in this box to contact your Representative.
The United States House of Representatives is the lower house of the United States Congress, the Senate being the upper house. Together they compose the national legislature of the United States. The composition of the House is established by Article One of the United States Constitution.
Kentucky Governor
Click anywhere in this box to contact your Governor.
The Governor’s powers are enumerated in the state constitution. Among the powers appropriated to the Governor in the constitution are the ability to grant pardons, veto legislation, and call the legislature into session. The Governor serves as commander-in-chief of the state’s military forces and is empowered to enforce all laws of the state.
Kentucky State Legislature
Click anywhere in this box to contact your Legislature.
State Legislature is the states version of the House and is broken into two chambers, the Senate and Representatives. They govern, at the state level, laws, budgets, government agencies, taxes, and initiating impeachment.

Full and Partial Scholarships
EANGKY offers scholarships!!!! As well as our affiliate associations such as AUSA and EANGUS.
Why Join?
Life Insurance
Members automatically receive a $2500 policy
Team fighting for your rights
You become a voice with many others fighting for benefits that are long over due
We serve(d) just as you are serving
We know what it means to serve and what you need to fight for
Benefits for the whole Family
Professional Development
Networking with others who have experience
Enlisted Association
Latest Updates.
EANGUS legislative priorities make progress in Congress
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National Office Update: Interim Executive Director
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Announcing the “Guard Your Finances” Course
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